10 Photos From My Past

Tonight, I thought I would write a fun blog post! I, like most people, have a tonne of old photographs stored of myself from when I was younger and they're definitely something I love looking at every now and again to make me laugh, especially as some of them are right up there on the cringe scale!!

I thought I would make a blog post including 10 photos from when I was little. I have seen blog posts/YouTube videos similar to this before and I loved them so much, so thought it was only fair to add my memories to the collection! Also, I guess this will let you into my life a little more! Oh, and I know the cringe bell will be ringing non-stop all throughout these blog posts and lets just say I was hardly a gorgeous child, but anyways, leggo...

That time I played bat & ball on the beach on holiday looking like a tangerine 

That time I started year 3 in primary school with bruises on my leg and a bag bigger than my entire body

That time I decided to be a farmer and wear a straw hat

That time I went to Pizza Hut for my birthday with a flower growing out of my brain

That time I walked up a hill and almost got blown down by the wind

That time I went out for lunch and decided to pull a really creepy face

That time I went to a Miniature Village on holiday and wore a bright yellow jacket

That time I went to my God-Parents' on New Year's Eve and they put a bit of alcohol in a cake

That time I opened my Christmas presents whilst wearing a Santa hat

That time I opened my birthday presents wearing a cake on my head (yes that is a Cascada album you see)

Love, Emily :) xx

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