My Little Red Book

Despite the fact that 2015 only started a few days ago, the celebrations ended just as quickly as they started and people now seem to be back to their every day lives.

I am not one for making New Year's Resolutions as I always believe in starting something right now if it's something you want to do because, why waste time? Jump straight in! However, I do think they're a good idea for people who make them as I understand it can motivate people to change things and sometimes people need an excuse to do things. Although, this year I decided to set myself a goal, which is what I like to call it. I decided to write a diary. 
I chose it in early December and was given it as a Christmas present by my Granny and Grandad. The reason I decided to start one was I thought it will be a great thing to look back on in years to come. I also thought it would be really fun to have something secret for myself, something that I could write anything I wanted in that I will probably laugh at when I am a grown woman!
It can be challenging to write a diary every single day and, although this may be a goal that many people set for the New Year, the novelty may soon wear off. You soon go from writing a full page to just a few lines, although, I am determined to keep it up as I know I'll be glad that I did at the end of 2015!
My diary isn't much different from your standard diary, however, I'll tell you what I like to write in it!
Each night, I write it with my pink pen with my name on (which feels very nice to write with I must say, because I am strange) and I just jot down a recount of my whole day. 
Some days may end up not being as exciting but I enjoy doing it. Something else I like to write are my feelings from that day. Then, towards the end, I have decided to write one funny thing each day that has either happened, or that someone has said. I like this idea because it allows me to remember some really hilarious memories and, when I am sad, gives me something to look back at to remember and cheer me up! 
Finally, whilst writing each entry, I like to listen to my earphones and zone out into my own little world. Then, at the bottom of the page I note the few songs I listened to when writing the day out. I think this is good as, in December, (and in many years to come) I can read back and remember all the songs I have been loving!

Diary: Ryman
Nail polish: Tanya Burr 'Mischief Managed'

Maybe this post has inspired you to start a diary? I know it isn't for everyone and they're probably becoming a thing of the past now that social media has pretty much taken over but its a good challenge! It may not be the start of 2015 completely and I just started mine on 1st so I could fill the whole book, but its never too late to start collecting memories!

Love, Emily :) xx


  1. I have a couple of those too! Actually, the songs idea is so good! I'm going to start writing that too!
    Love, Paloma xx

    1. Awh thank you :) I love writing in it each day and I think it will be really cool to look back on in a few years! Glad I could give you ideas aha xx
